Review of the Industrial Areas with the Goal of Creating a Krasnoyarsk Industrial Park

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The goal of the job was to examine the production areas of the Krasnoyarsk City in order to evaluate the reasonability of creating an industrial park.

Within the framework of the job:

  1. An investigation of five production areas was conducted (location, available areas, buildings and structures parameters, transport infrastructure, engineering infrastructure, ecological state, existing residents of the area, tariffs and payments, information on the legal aspects and sale terms, an estimate of capital expenditures for the restoration of buildings and structures, infrastructure, and creating production objects and more).
  2. Based on the developed methodology, a comparative analysis of the areas was conducted along three directions: technical, economic and legal.
  3. Based on the statistical data, a portrait of the “unified” resident was created. A comparison of characteristics was conducted between the “unified resident” and the existing residents.
  4. An examination of the building and structural states on the production areas was performed.
  5. A valuation of capital expenditures was made for each production area. In some cases, an invariability of capital expenditures was estimated (demolition and new construction, capital remodeling, modernization).
  6. Discussions were held with the owners of the production areas and offers were developed for the cost and structure of the sale or rent for the rooms on each production area.
  7. Feasibility study calculations were performed on the basis of the objects’ cost, existing tariffs, knowledge of the specialization of the “unified” resident and etc. A comparative estimate was made of the effectiveness on creating an industrial park through budget investments into creating an infrastructure in addition to other budgeted income from creating businesses on the area of the industrial park.
  8. The plan of promoting the industrial park was created.
  9. The types of government aid for local residents in the framework of the law were analyzed and the most effective aid types were proposed.

As a result of the work, the following documents were developed:

  1. A short version of the area passports for disseminating information among potential residents.
  2. An expanded version of the area passports for internal use of the Client, with the indication of additional information concerning the legal aspects and sales terms, an estimate of capital expenditure on rebuilding the buildings and structures, infrastructure expenses, and creating production facilities.
  3. An extended feasibility study for each area.
  4. A summary report, including the extended evaluation of production areas, their comparative evaluation, risks and limitations of the industrial park creation project, a review of the specialization of an industrial park, a promotion plan and state aid forms.
  5. A report on the technical state of the buildings on each production area (5 volumes).
  6. A report: “Capital Expenditures. Estimates and Calculations”.
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