Estimation of the potential of producing basalt fiber

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The goal of this investigation was to conduct an initial evaluation of the possibility of creating basalt fiber and products that are made from it.

Within the framework of the completed job:

  1. Potential sources of raw materials that are necessary for the production of basalt fiber were identified in the Krasnoyarsk Region and the Siberian Federal District.
  2. The main fields of utilizing basalt fiber were defined and analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of using this material were determined. For each of the market directions, the potential of development was identified. Comparative analysis was performed with product substitutes.
  3. For each direction of the basalt fiber consumption, a market analysis was performed, as was the forecast of consumption and the pricing analysis.
  4. An analysis was conducted of the technological processes of the main participants of the Russian market.
  5. The main offers on the market of the technology for the creation of a production cycle of manufacturing basalt fiber were analyzed. Suppliers of separate elements of the production cycle were analyzed as well.

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