
Innovative project for the creation of UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles) production.

Technical consultations with representatives of the Advanced Research Foundation (ARF) during the three preceding months resulted in an agreement on "Conceptual design and creation of a financial and economic virtual (digital) model of an innovative enterprise for the development and production of unmanned vertical takeoff and landing vehicles with cyclic thrusters".

The company's specialists began work on basic engineering and conceptual design. The result will be the development of an information model (BIM) - a prototype of the digital twin of the future production facility. The model will reflect the general technological and hardware solutions, determine the estimated and time limits for the design and construction of a new, modern enterprise for the production of advanced UAVs. Determination of costs for the construction of the enterprise and calculation of indicators characterizing the planned operational activities will be completed by the development of an interactive financial and economic model (IFEM). Taken together, the results will provide reliable data on technical solutions, the amount of investment required and the effectiveness of their investment.

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